HR is the basic rights that all human beings are entitled to enjoy.
Kofi Annan:- HR is the foundation of human existance and coexistence. They are the priciple nby which we create sacred home for human dignity.
the federal constitutiom contains sevral provision which are designed to protect the freedom of the individual - referred to as fundamental rights/liberties- to be entrenced/enshrined cause these rights cannot be altered @ taken away unless the constitution itself is amended- can only be done with approval of 2/3 mojority of all members of parliament.
- no person may be deprived of his life or personal liberty except in accordance with the law : prevents unlawfully imprisoned or put to death.
- no person may subject to slavery or forced labour:- should not be regarded as property of aothers.
- no person can be punished under a law which was not in force when the alleged crime was commited:-protects 4m being charged for a crime theat was not recognised as a crime at that time it was done.
- a person cannot be tried more than oce for the same crime, where he has already been acquitteed or convicted earlier:-should not be placed in double jeopardy where he may undego mare than one trial for the same offence if he had already been...
- all person are equal before the law and entitled to its protection.
- citizens cannot be discriminated against in relation to the providing of education merely on grounds of religion, race, decent or place of birth.
- freedom of religion
- no citizens may be banished from the country.
- every citizen have the right to freedom of speech, peaceful assembly and assosiation.
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